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Our Policies

The following policies will be in effect until further notice.


Updated: 3/2/22

Going forward, masks will be optional.  If someone is inclined to wear one, they are welcome to do so, but masks will no longer be required.  


However, we do request that the unvaccinated continue to wear a mask while in the Beach Art Center, to protect fellow students, teachers and staff.  


Social distancing will still be encouraged.

Our policies are subject to change in the event Pinellas County infection rates show a spike. 


Updated: 7/23/23

All fees associated with classes and workshops are non-refundable.  In the event a registrant needs to change or cancel their registration, the registrant should contact the Beach Art Center as far in advance as possible. Any agreement to change, cancel or transfer a registration after the class/workshop date has taken place is made at the sole discretion of the instructor.

ART ON THE ROCKS class fees are Non-Refundable.  Our teachers reserve a spot and purchase supplies just for you!  Any agreement to cancel a registration for a refund will be made at the sole discretion of the instructor.

LIMITED SERIES CLASSES are sold in packs of 3 or 4 - meaning you must register and pay for the pack of classes in advance.  Missed classes are non-refundable and may not be made up at a later date.

CREATIVE KIDS CLASSES (not Camp) may be transferred or refunded up to 14 days before the class.  If less than 14 days, the class will be partially refunded (the amount paid minus a $15 cancelation fee).  If cancelation is necessary, please contact our front office via email at or call 727-596-4331.

If your child needs focused assistance to have a fun, successful art experience we welcome the parent/guardian or educational aide to attend class with their young artist.  (Supplies are provided for the child only.)

Beach Art Center reserves the right to cancel classes or workshops if minimums are not met or for any other reason relevant to business needs. In the event of a cancellation initiated by Beach Art Center, the registrant will have the option to transfer to an available class or workshop, or to receive a full refund.

Beach Art Center does not hold credits on account for future use.


Registration constitutes agreement to policies, waivers and releases published in the registration system. These include a waiver of liability and release of permission to take and use photos during classes, workshops, summer camp, gallery receptions, and all events.  These images may be used for any Beach Art Center marketing purposes such as print materials, website, event listings, and all social media outlets.


The Beach Art Center does not allow firearms in the building.
Attendance requires advance registration and prepayment.
The Beach Art Center does not store student art and reserves the right to dispose of items left by students.



Camp runs from Monday through Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm. Camper must be picked up at 1:00 by the parent(s) or guardians(s) authorized on the registration form. The authorized  parent(s) or guardians(s)  must sign camper in and out daily.  Camper will not be permitted to walk home unless permission is granted on the registration.  Pickup and Drop-off times must be adhered too. The BAC does NOT offer any extended care.

Lunch – Snacks - Drinks

Children should bring a snack/lunch and drink in a labeled cooler bag daily.  No refrigeration or heating services are available. Staff is only permitted to provide water for health and safety reasons.  Students are not allowed to share food with each other. This policy is to insure the safety of each child by preventing allergic reactions.


Remain Home if Sick / Attendance

Parents are asked to monitor their children closely for any sign of potential illness. Students and parents should remain at home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, new or persistent cough, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, fatigue and/or stomach issues.  If a Student is sent home due to sickness a doctor's note is required to return to camp.  If your child becomes ill while at camp, we will utilize the contact list you provided upon registration. BAC, or any staff, contractor, or volunteer of BAC, is not able to administer medications. Please do not send medications with your child.* *Should you need a special accommodation to this policy, please discuss with the Administration at least 2 weeks prior to the start of camp. We will do our best to accommodate your needs where this is possible.


Consistent with Pinellas County guidance for schools, masking is not required.  

If there is a significant increase in Covid risk in the community, we may change our protocols to protect our students and guests.

Completed Projects

All completed projects must be removed at the end of each camp session.  Incomplete pottery and clay projects requiring glazing or firing must be picked up during the second week following the camp session your child attended.  Projects left at BAC will be forfeited to BAC for disposal or sale at BAC’s discretion.


The Beach Art Center prohibits discrimination in camp acceptance due to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability. 



A full refund is provided minus a $50 administrative fee if we are notified 7 days prior to the start of camp.

If your child is unable to attend camp due to an injury or illness, and you provide a doctor's note and notify us before the week begins, you will receive a full refund (minus the $50 non-refundable deposit). 

If your child attends a partial week, before cancelling due to injury or illness, we will give a pro-rated refund for the days the child missed if provided with a doctor's note. BAC reserves the right to dismiss any participant whose conduct is not consistent with BAC conduct expectations. In such event, no refund will be given. BAC teachers and staff are not trained to work with children with special needs, learning/developmental disabilities, or behavior disorders.  


Acknowledgement of COVID Risk

Upon registering my camper(s) for BAC Summer camp acknowledge that I am aware of the contagious nature of COVID-19 and have voluntarily chosen to allow my child(ren) to participate in Creative Kids Camp operated by the Beach Art Center (BAC).  I acknowledge that BAC Camp Staff, (staff, instructors, volunteers) encounter multiple individuals, and might become exposed to COVID-19.  I also acknowledge that although BAC takes precautions to reduce the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19 by its Camp Staff, BAC cannot guarantee that my child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19.


I agree to assume all of the foregoing risks, and accept personal responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability or expense, of any kind or nature, that I may suffer arising out of or in connection with my child(ren) or myself becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 while my child(ren) is/are participating in any BAC program.  On my own behalf, and on behalf of my child(ren), I hereby release, covenant not to sue, and forever discharge the BAC, its employees, agents, and representative, of and from all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any nature (“Claims”) arising out of or in any way connected with my child(ren) or myself becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19.  I understand that this release includes any Claims based on the negligence, action, or inaction of any of BAC, its employees, agents, and representatives, and covers bodily injury (including death) due to COVID-19, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during or after participation in any BAC program.

Policies: Portfolio
Camp Policy 2023
BAC Logo

(727) 596-4331

1515 Bay Palm Blvd, Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785, USA

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday


(See our Class Schedules for Weekend and Evening Class times.)


Parking is available in front of the building, at Kolb Park across the street, and in the grassy area behind our building.  Students may also park in the lot between our building and the Indian Rocks Beach Library even though signs say

"City Hall Parking Only."

Please do not park in the paved spaces behind our building that are reserved for "City Vehicles Only."

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